First morning

 We farewelled our family yesterday. There were tears. There were hugs. There were laughs. Joss was rather pumped, despite lack of sleep. Ari was in good spirits. Pedro was, well Pedro - loveable, fluffy, playful.

The first road leg all went very smoothly. Drove from Mt Stuart from our lovely hospitable cousins place (where our caravan had spent the week being packed).

We stopped in Campbell Town. Pedro offered to take over the driving. Joss decided he could manage, and declined the kind offer. Fuelled up on nachos for Ari and a chocolate moose for Joss. Brief rest in the caravan, then on the road again.

Stopped in Sassafras for fuel. Then pulled up at Spirit of Tas departure point just after sunset.

We had a long wait to board, so spent time walking the streets of Devonport, encouraging our white fluffy companion to go toilet!

We eventually drove onto the boat, which set off around midnight.

Bass Strait crossing was relatively smooth, just a bit rolly Polly.

Looking forward to making our way to first camp ground today, and catching up with my brother's family.


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